01.01.2020 - 03.01.2020, Private, Berlin, Germany
07.01.2020 - 11.01.2020, Les Napoleons, val d'Isère, France
23.01.2020 - 26.01.2020, Founders Pledge, Chamonix, France
08.02.2020 - 14.02.2020, London Business School, London, England
14.02.2020 - 16.02.2020, Private, Cambridge, England
16.02.2020 - 17.02.2020, Zürich Insurance, Zürich, Switzerland
18.02.2020 - 20.02.2020, Nervanix, New York, NY
29.02.2020, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA
06.03.2020, Wealth Management Conference, London, England
06.06.2020, TEDxAstonUni, Birmingham, England
01.01.2020 - 03.01.2020, Private, Berlin, Germany
07.01.2020 - 11.01.2020, Les Napoleons, val d'Isère, France
23.01.2020 - 26.01.2020, Founders Pledge, Chamonix, France
08.02.2020 - 14.02.2020, London Business School, London, England
14.02.2020 - 16.02.2020, Private, Cambridge, England
16.02.2020 - 17.02.2020, Zürich Insurance, Zürich, Switzerland
18.02.2020 - 20.02.2020, Nervanix, New York, NY
29.02.2020, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA
06.03.2020, Wealth Management Conference, London, England
06.06.2020, TEDxAstonUni, Birmingham, England

book chapter
edited book
h-index: 27
Erdös number: 3
Citations: 4,293
Metrics: 80 publications, 6 books, 5 patents, 1 clinical trial, 1 case
list does not include conference abstracts, popular press articles, fiction books, or popular science books.
for list of media references to the academic works click here.
for exhaustive list click here.
Heinrich Peters, Sandra Matz, Moran Cerf undisclosed during review process undisclosed during review process
Iris Kremer, Wissam Halimi, Moran Cerf, Pablo Mainar Predicting Cognitive Load with EEG using Riemannian Geometry-based Features Journal of Neural Engineerings
Sandra Matz, Heinrich Peters, Paul Eastwick, Moran Cerf, Eli Finkel Do Large Language Models understand verbal indicators of romantic attraction PsyArxiv
Sandra Matz, Jacob Teeny, Sumer Vaid, Heinrich Peters, Gabriella Harari, Moran Cerf, The potential of Generative AI for Personalized Persuasion at Scale, Scientific Reports
Heinrich Peters, Moran Cerf, Sandra Matz, Large Language Models Can Infer Personality from Free-Form User Interactions, Scientific Reports
Luiz Moutinho, Moran Cerf Biometrics and Neuroscience Research in Business and Management De Gruyter
Moran Cerf, Uriel Appel Using Biometrics in Healthcare Management and Diagnostics In: Biometrics and Neuroscience Research in Business and Management, De Gruyter
Moran Cerf Using Neuroscience and Biometrics in Individuals and Organizations In: Biometrics and Neuroscience Research in Business and Management, De Gruyter
Moran Cerf The Human Affair with Data, the Challenges it Creates, Ways to Solve These Challenges, and Future Outlook In: Biometrics and Neuroscience Research in Business and Management, De Gruyter
Moran Cerf, Miguel Brendl Using Sensory Substitutions to Make Better Business Decisions (or How Sensory Devices Connected to our Body can Help us Outperform AI and Common Data Analytics) In: Biometrics and Neuroscience Research in Business and Management, De Gruyter
Luiz Moutinho, Moran Cerf The Future of Neuroscience and Biometrics in Business In: Biometrics and Neuroscience Research in Business and Management, De Gruyter
Moran Cerf On the Ways by which AI can Revolutionize the Usage of BIometrics in Business In: Biometrics and Neuroscience Research in Business and Management, De Gruyter
Using Generative AI for persuasion
Moran Cerf, Adam Waytz If you worry about humanity, you should be more scared of humans than of AI Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Moran Cerf, Sandra Matz, Malcolm Maciver Participating in a climate prediction market increases concern about global warming Nature Climate Change
Moran Cerf How many times do you need to view content before it is registered in your memory Advances in Consumer Research
Heinrich Peters, Sandra Matz, Moran Cerf Sensory substitution can improve decision-making Computers in Human Behavior
Moran Cerf Dream Marketing: A Method for Marketing Communication During Sleep and Dreams Social Science Research Network ('SSRN')
Moran Cerf, Sandra Matz, Malcolm Maciver Participating in a climate futures market increases support for costly climate policies Nature Climate Change
Kristen Duke, Wendy Liu, Evan Weingarten, Rebecca W. Hamilton, On Amir, Gil Appel, Moran Cerf, Joseph K. Goodman, Andrea C. Morales, Ed O’Brien, Jordi Quoidbach, Monic Sun What Makes People Happy? Decoupling the Experiential-Material Continuum Social Science Research Network ('SSRN')
Gan Wang, Moran Cerf Brain-Computer Interface using neural network and temporal-spectral features Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
Sandra Matz, Ryan Hyon, Elisa C. Baek, Carolyn Parkinson, Moran Cerf Personality similarity predicts synchronous neural responses in fMRI and EEG data Scientific Reports
Moran Cerf, Sandra Matz The psychology of technology: Where the future might take us American Psychological Association
Gan Wang, Moran Cerf Brain-Computer Interface using temporal-spectral features and neural network classifier TechRxiv
Kristen Duke, Wendy Liu, Evan Weingarten, Rebecca W. Hamilton, On Amir, Gil Appel, Moran Cerf, Joseph K. Goodman, Andrea C. Morales, Ed O’Brien, Jordi Quoidbach, Monic Sun Why don’t consumers choose the experiences they will enjoy most? Insights from the Two-Dimensional Experiential Space (TDES) model Journal of Consumer Psychology
Moran Cerf, Brandon Freiberg Human single neuron inattentional blindness data Neuropsychologia
People with similar personalities think alike, and see the world in similar way.
Brandon Freiberg, Moran Cerf Single neuron evidence of inattentional blindness in humans Neuropsychologia
Adam L. Hall, Stephen Kenton, Joseph Van Harken, Moran Cerf Applying biometrics to the development of digital content United States Patent
Si Ma, Moran Cerf Simultaneous learning of perceptual ambiguity and expected value estimates alter preferences, discrimination performance, and choice Social Science Research Network ('SSRN')
Leonard L. Sokol, Joshua M. Hauser, Hillary D. Lum, Jodi Forlizzi, Moran Cerf, Fan Z. Caprio, Michael J. Young Goal-concordant care in the era of advanced stroke therapies Journal of Palliative Medicine
Neurons in the medial temporal lobe are the gateway to what rises to our consciousness
Leonard L. Sokol, Sarah R. Jordan, Allison J. Applebaum, Joshua M. Hauser, Jodi Forlizzi, Moran Cerf, Hillary D. Lum Social media perceptions of legacy-making: a qualitative analysis Palliative Medicine Reports
Sebastiano Massaro, Will Drover, Keith M. Hmieleski, Moran Cerf Using functional neuroimaging to advance entrepreneurial cognitive research Journal of Small Business Management
Leonard L. Sokol, Hillary D. Lum, Claire J. Creutzfeldt, David Cella, Jodi Forlizzi, Moran Cerf, Joshua M. Hauser, Benzi M. Kluger Meaning and dignity therapies for psycho-neurology in neuropalliative care: a vision for the future Journal of Palliative Medicine
Sebastiano Massaro, Will Drover, Moran Cerf Founder gender and investor pitch assessments: an fMRI multivariate pattern analysis investigation Academy of Management
Moran Cerf, Sandra Matz, Aviram Berg Using Blockchain to improve decision making that benefits the public good Frontiers in Blockchain
How to use Blockchain for
group decision making (i.e. elections)
in wys that help the public good
Winner: "Most influential paper", AOM 2020
Pantelis Loupos, Alexandros Nathan, Moran Cerf Starting cold: the power of social networks in predicting non-contractual customer behavior, neural engagement and informal investor interest in startup pitches: an fMRI study Social Science Research Network ('SSRN')
Leonard L. Sokol, Michael J. Young, Jack Paparian, Benzi M. Kluger, Hillary D. Lum, Jessica Besbris, Neha Kramer, Anthony E. Lang, Alberto J. Espay, Ornella M. Dubaz, Janis Miyasaki, Daniel D. Matlock, Tanya Simuni, Moran Cerf Advance Care Planning in Parkinson’s disease: ethical challenges and future directions Nature Parkinson's Disease
Jonathan Levy, Devin Markell, Moran Cerf Polar Similars: using massive mobile dating data to predict synchronization and similarity in dating preferences
Frontier in Psychology
Scott Shane, Will Drover, David Clingingsmith, Moran Cerf Founder passion, neural engagement and informal investor interest in startup pitches: An fMRI study Journal of Business Venturing
Rubi Hammer, Moran Cerf Risk Assessment Under Perceptual Ambiguity and its Impact on Category Learning and Decision-Making PsyArXiv
Moran Cerf Using neuroscience to assess brands In: Branding in a Hyper-Connected World, Wiley
Predicting customers behavior
when they just joined the service
How should doctors deal with talking to patients about end of life
People are extremely similar to the ones they choose to date on mobile dating apps
Predicting whether (and hom much) will VCs invest in Founders using fMRI shows
Sandra Matz, Guy Rolnik, Moran Cerf Solutions to the Threats of Digital Monopolies In: Digital Platforms and Concentration
Jose Herrero, Simon Khuvis, Erin Yeagle, Moran Cerf, Ashesh Mehta Breathing above the brainstem: Volitional control and attentional modulation in humans Journal of Neurophysiology
Samuel Barnett, Andrés Campero, Ronen Zilberman, Chris Rose, Aaron Robinson, Moran Cerf Trust the Polls? Neural and recall responses provide alternative predictors of political outcomes Advances in Consumer Research
First evidence that attention to bodily sensations affects neural activity
Predicting political outcomes from
brain activity
Moran Cerf, Manuel Garcia Garcia Consumer Neuroscience MIT Press
Samuel Barnett, Moran Cerf Few and far between: identifying measures of advertising visuals that correlate with neural engagement and sales Advances in Consumer Research
Will Drover, Sebastiano Massaro, Moran Cerf, Lowell Busenitz Neuro-Entrepreneurship Academy of Management
Samuel Barnett, Moran Cerf A ticket for your thoughts: method for predicting movie trailer recall and future ticket sales using neural similarity among moviegoers Journal of Consumer Research
Robert Wolcott, Moran Cerf Foresight Northwestern University Press
Content with fewer and larger visuals generate higher engagement
A neuroscientific method for measuring engagement in content
Florian Mormann, Simon J. Kornblith, Moran Cerf, Matias J. Ison, Alexander Kraskov, Michelle Tran, Simeon Knieling, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Christof Koch, Itzhak Fried Scene-selective coding by single neurons in the human parahippocampal cortex Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ('PNAS')
Samuel Barnett, Moran Cerf Keep it simple, stimuli: brain-vetted elements of movie trailers predict opening weekend ticket sales Advances in Consumer Research
Moran Cerf, Samuel Barnett Epilepsy — eavesdropping on the conversations of rebellious neurons Journal of Neurology and Neurophysiology
Identifying individual neurons in the brain that code for scenes
Avital Mentovich, Aziz Huq, Moran Cerf The psychology of corporate rights: perception of corporate versus individual rights to religious liberty, privacy, and free speech Journal of Law and Human Behavior
Guy Hoffman, Moran Cerf The Dark Sides of Robot Social Awareness IEEE CIS Newsletter of the Autonomous Mental Development Technical Committee
Moran Cerf, Eric Greenleaf, Tom Meyvis, Vicki G. Morwitz Using single-neuron recording in marketing: Opportunities, challenges, and an application to fear enhancement in communications Journal of Marketing Research
Samuel Barnett, Moran Cerf Connecting on movie night? Neural measures of engagement differ by gender Advances in Consumer Research
Moran Cerf, Samuel Barnett Method for measuring engagement United States Patent
Predicting sales by measruing how engaging content is.
Avital Mentovich, Moran Cerf A psychological perspective on punishing corporate entities Regulating Corporate Criminal Liability
Itzhak Fried, Ueli Rutishauser, Moran Cerf, Gabriel Kreiman Single neuron studies of the human brain: probing cognition MIT Press
The neuronal representation of information in the human brain Brain
Should companies be trialed in as if they are a 'person'?
Moran Cerf, Hagar Gelbard-Sagiv, Itzhak Fried Studying thoughts and deliberations using single-neuron recordings in humans, In: Single neuron studies of the human brain, MIT Press
Ueli Rutishauser, Moran Cerf, Gabriel Kreiman Data analysis techniques for human microwire recordings: spike detection and sorting, decoding, relation between units and local field potentials In: Single Neurons Studies of the Human Brain. MIT Press
Gabriel Kreiman, Ueli Rutishauser, Moran Cerf, Itzhak Fried The next ten years and beyond. In: Single neuron studies of the human brain, MIT Press
Moran Cerf, Michael Mackay, Christof Koch Evidence for two distinct mechanisms directing gaze in natural scenes Journal of Vision
Josh Shachar, Thomas Cheb, Leslie Farkas, Winston Wu, Kyle Zimmerman, Moran Cerf, Bruce Marx, David Johnson, Laszlo Farkas Brain retractor apparatus for measuring and predicting electrophysiological parameters United States Patent
Can seeing be not only a consciouss process, but also one driven by subcortical processing?
Elina Birmingham, Moran Cerf, Ralph Adolphs Comparing social attention in autism and amygdala lesions: effects of stimulus and task condition Social Neuroscience
Florian Mormann, Julian Dubois, Simon Kornblith, Milica Milosavljevic, Moran Cerf, Matias Ison, Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Alexander Kraskov, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Ralph Adolphs, Itzhak Fried, Christof Koch A category-specific response to animals in the right human amygdala Nature Neuroscience
Matias Ison, Florian Mormann, Moran Cerf, Christof Koch, Itzhak Fried, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga Selectivity of pyramidal cells and interneurons in the human medial temporal lobe Journal of Neurophysiology
Moran Cerf, Michael Mackay Studying consciousness using direct recording from single neurons in the human brain In: Characterizing Consciousness: From Cognition to the Clinic, Springer
How does a woman with no 'fear' nd people with autism' judge a social scene?
Does our brain have a site that codes information about animals?
Moran Cerf, Nikhil Thiruvengadam, Florian Mormann, Alexander Kraskov, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Christof Koch, Itzhak Fried On-line, voluntary control of human temporal lobe neurons Nature
'Exceptional' Faculty1000
'Recommended' Faculty1000
Carlos Pedreira, Florian Mormann, Alexander Kraskov, Moran Cerf, Itzhak Fried, Christof Koch, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga Responses of human medial temporal lobe neurons are modulated by stimulus repetition Journal of Neurophysiology
How does our brain resolve competition between multiple concepts? and can we decode and project someone's thoughts on a screen?
Moran Cerf, Paxon Frady, Christof Koch Faces and text attract gaze independent of the task: experimental data and computer model Journal of Vision
Moran Cerf Competition and attention in the human brain. Eye-tracking and single neuron recordings in healthy controls and individuals with neurological and psychiatric disorders Ph.D thesis, California Institute of Technology
Moran Cerf, Jonathan Harel, Alex Huth, Wolfgang Einhäuser, Christof Koch Decoding what people see from where they look: predicting visual stimuli from scanpaths Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ('LNAI')
Florian Mormann, Simon Kornblith, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Alexander Kraskov, Moran Cerf, Itzhak Fried, Christof Koch Latency and selectivity of single neurons indicate hierarchical processing in the human medial temporal lobe Journal of Neuroscience
Milica Milosavljevic, Moran Cerf What matters is attention not intention: insights from computational neuroscience of vision International Journal of Advertising
Wolfgang Einhäuser, Frank Schumann, Johannes Vockeroth, Klaus Bartl, Moran Cerf, Jonathan Harel, Erich Schneider, Peter König Distinct roles for eye and head movements in selecting salient image parts during natural exploration Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Moran Cerf, Paxon Frady, Christof Koch Using semantic content as cues for better scanpath prediction Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye-Tracking Research and Applications
Moran Cerf, Dan Cleary, Rob J. Peters, Wolfgang Enhäuser, Christof Koch Observers are consistent when rating image conspicuity Vision Research
Moran Cerf, Jonathan Harel, Wolfgang Enhäuser, Christof Koch Predicting human gaze using low-level saliency combined with face detection Neural Information Processing Systems ('NIPS')
Is our tendency to look at faces a biological subroutine that can be computationally modeled?
Moran Cerf, Avshalom Elitzur What is is like to be Beethoven? Towards a Science of Consciousness
Moran Cerf, Amichai Shulman File access and Denial of Service vulnerabilities in Business Object 'Crystal report' Bugtraq
Moran Cerf, Amichai Shulman How safe is it out there? Security Focus
Moran Cerf, Amichai Shulman SuperVeda penetration test. Demonstration of a website hacking Security Focus
Moran Cerf On the mind-body problem - without the mind Master's thesis, Tel-Aviv University

Similarity among dating profiles.
Data repository for dating study
Download paper
When using this code please cite:
"Polar similars: using massive mobile dating data to predict synchronization and similarity in dating preferences", Levy J., Markell D., Cerf M., Frontiers in Psychology 10:2010, 2019
Comparing similarity across multiple
Download code
When using this code please cite:
"Trust the polls? Neural and recall responses provide alternative predictors of political outcomes", Barnett S., Campero A., Zilberman R., Rose C., Robinson A., Cerf M., Advances in Consumer Neuroscience 2018
Combining face detection with salieny.
Matlab code to analyze the tendency to look at faces first in eye-tracking
Data pertaining to observers viewing of faces in natural scenes. The data provided includes subjects' viewing of images containing faces, showing that faces are attracting the attention. Fixations are provided in Matlab format. Additionally, a Matlab code used for determining the saliency of locations in given images is provided. This code is used to predict the locations of subjects fixations in images
When using this code please cite:
"Predicting human gaze using low-level saliency combined with face detection", Cerf M., Harel J., Einhauser W., Koch C., Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 21, 2007

Data and code for an EEG-based Brain-Machine Interface using
temporal-spectra features and neural network classifier.
When using this code please cite:
"Brain-Computer Interface using temporal-spectral features and neural network classifier" Wang G., Cerf M., TechRxiv, 2022
When using this code please cite:
"On-line, voluntary control of human temporal lobe neurons", Cerf M., Thiruvengadam N., Mormann F., Quian-Quiroga R., Koch C., Fried I, Nature 467:7319, 1104-1108, 2010
When using the code/data, please cite:
"Human single neuron inattentional blindness data", Cerf M., Freiberg B., Neuropsychologia 165 108111, 2021
Blockchain implementation for decision making that benefits the public good.
When using this code please cite:
"Using Blockchain to improve decision making that benefits the public good", Cerf M., Matz S., Berg A, Frontiers in Blockchain 2020
Data and code for analyses of risk perception and learning
with ambiguous inputs
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Download paper
When using this code please cite:
"Perceptual Ambiguity and its Impact on Learning and Decision Making"
Data and code for the analyses of data generated during surveys concerning people's views on climate change pre-/post- months long prediction markets.
When using these resources cite:
"Participation in prediction market increases concern about global warming"